Last week, as part of my effort to convert more family and friends to the TFC cause, I gave my season seats to my brother and his girlfriend and picked up a pair in 110 for the wife and I. We brought streamers in anticipation of the streamer shower (which was awesome) and we were pumped to be in the supporters end. We watch most of our games from high up in 222. The view from 110 isn't that bad, plus it's nice being able to join in on the singing coming from the Bunker from time to time. So this is what it's like to be a "Real Supporter" I thought, the supporters that Red Patch Boys, NEE, and USector Boards are constantly praising for their TIFO's, coordinated songs, and unwaivering support of the team. So why at half-time did I abandon the South-East corner for my usual spot in the West Stands?
At the risk of being unpopular, I've got to say that I have never seen a group of people LESS interested in what's happening on the field than in 110 - and I sit in 222! Between "Jimmy Girl" (a young woman that shouted "Shoot Jimmy" when he was passing the ball back to Frei), "Road Trip Guy" (a gentleman in a blue shirt that I swear didn't see a goddam minute of football because his back was to the field the entire game telling the people behind him how they have to go to Columbus next year because he went this year and it was the best and everybody is going next year)(Editors note: nobody is going to Columbus next year...), and "make-out couple" (nuff-said) I started to wonder if anybody was even watching the game.
The fan that caught my attention the most capo guy. I'm not saying the guy doesn't love his TFC, but I hope he's got the game Tivo'd at home, because he sure wasn't watching it from his stand at the front of 112. I love what he does, I love the enthusiasm, I love the passion, but can you really be a fan of the footie on the pitch if you're not watching it?
I've spoken with hardcore supporters within the main SG's and been told that you aren't a real supporter unless you tailgate, road trip, banner-make, and sing every song. At a pre-season game at Joe's last year, I was even told by one person that they are sick of 'part-time supporters' like me. The comment was made because he was trying to get my table to sing along with a new Julius James song he was singing in the pub. Is knowing the songs what makes you a Real Supporter?
This brings me to the main point - who are the Real Supporters? Are you a Real Supporter if you sit (nee stand) in the South End and scream your lungs out? Or are you a Real Supporter if you don't want to be distracted by the jumping, singing, and beer-throwing of the South End so that you can concentrate on the match so you sit in the West Stands? What if you sing the songs, but don't watch the game? What if you sit in the West Side, but don't watch the game? Is there some sort of facebook trivia test that you can take to determine if you're really a supporter?
My $0.02? You're a Real Supporter if you watch the games, know the players, and love the team, regardless of how or where you do it on matchday. You're a Real Supporter if you get mad that mid-season friendlies are injuring our players (even if you can't resist going to watch them) and that the salary cap prohibits us from having a solid second string of players at our disposal. You're a Real Supporter if the first thing you do every morning is look for TFC related news (morning Denime!). You're a Real Supporter if you can look at the flags over the South Stand and point out which flag relates to the players on our team. You're a real supporter if you take the afternoon off work so that you can attend the official announcement that DeRo is joining the team (and get your flag signed). Basically, you're a Real Supporter if you love TFC. Plain and simple.
Before you judge somebody based on the location of their seat, the colour of their skin (painted red or just regular-type), or whether or not they get excited about a round of "West Side Stand-Up" (how does this cheer spur on the team exactly?), talk to them for a few minutes - I'm sure you'll find that we're all at BMO for the same reason - because we love our team and because we're all Real Supporters. *tear*
At the risk of being unpopular, I've got to say that I have never seen a group of people LESS interested in what's happening on the field than in 110 - and I sit in 222! Between "Jimmy Girl" (a young woman that shouted "Shoot Jimmy" when he was passing the ball back to Frei), "Road Trip Guy" (a gentleman in a blue shirt that I swear didn't see a goddam minute of football because his back was to the field the entire game telling the people behind him how they have to go to Columbus next year because he went this year and it was the best and everybody is going next year)(Editors note: nobody is going to Columbus next year...), and "make-out couple" (nuff-said) I started to wonder if anybody was even watching the game.
The fan that caught my attention the most capo guy. I'm not saying the guy doesn't love his TFC, but I hope he's got the game Tivo'd at home, because he sure wasn't watching it from his stand at the front of 112. I love what he does, I love the enthusiasm, I love the passion, but can you really be a fan of the footie on the pitch if you're not watching it?
I've spoken with hardcore supporters within the main SG's and been told that you aren't a real supporter unless you tailgate, road trip, banner-make, and sing every song. At a pre-season game at Joe's last year, I was even told by one person that they are sick of 'part-time supporters' like me. The comment was made because he was trying to get my table to sing along with a new Julius James song he was singing in the pub. Is knowing the songs what makes you a Real Supporter?
This brings me to the main point - who are the Real Supporters? Are you a Real Supporter if you sit (nee stand) in the South End and scream your lungs out? Or are you a Real Supporter if you don't want to be distracted by the jumping, singing, and beer-throwing of the South End so that you can concentrate on the match so you sit in the West Stands? What if you sing the songs, but don't watch the game? What if you sit in the West Side, but don't watch the game? Is there some sort of facebook trivia test that you can take to determine if you're really a supporter?
My $0.02? You're a Real Supporter if you watch the games, know the players, and love the team, regardless of how or where you do it on matchday. You're a Real Supporter if you get mad that mid-season friendlies are injuring our players (even if you can't resist going to watch them) and that the salary cap prohibits us from having a solid second string of players at our disposal. You're a Real Supporter if the first thing you do every morning is look for TFC related news (morning Denime!). You're a Real Supporter if you can look at the flags over the South Stand and point out which flag relates to the players on our team. You're a real supporter if you take the afternoon off work so that you can attend the official announcement that DeRo is joining the team (and get your flag signed). Basically, you're a Real Supporter if you love TFC. Plain and simple.
Before you judge somebody based on the location of their seat, the colour of their skin (painted red or just regular-type), or whether or not they get excited about a round of "West Side Stand-Up" (how does this cheer spur on the team exactly?), talk to them for a few minutes - I'm sure you'll find that we're all at BMO for the same reason - because we love our team and because we're all Real Supporters. *tear*
The Internets ate my comment yesterday :(
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I wanted to say that I agree wholeheartedly with our bisexual blogger's comments. I made the road trip to Columbus this year, and had a great time while I was there.
Upon returning, and reading the Red Patch Boys forums, I was surprised to find out how upset some of the higher-up RPB's were about the poor chanting at the game. They said that people who weren't hardcore enough to know the chants and sing them properly shouldn't be attending road trips with the supporters.
Having been pretty fired up about the whole thing upon returning from Columbus, I was very dismayed about this attitude. I wasn't aware that being a supporter was just another name for a cheerleader, and that you need to learn the right dances, swing your hips the right way and learn to do the splits on top of a pyramid.
Me, I'd much rather go to a game, watch and enjoy the action, and cheer when exciting things happen. If I feel like breaking into a synchro dance routine, I'll head over to the supporters' sections.