CR9 is in town!!... If Real Madrid doesn’t spank TFC by at least 4 goals im calling shenanigans! I watched Barcelona thump Seattle the other night and was happy to see they did not let up to much. Personally I am not a big fan of these friendly games that pop up in the middle of our season. Really who cares if Real comes to town to spank us, what purpose does it serve other than to remind fans that the level we are at is not the European level. Enough already I just want to see my team with a new head coach and a squad that can move the ball up the pitch. Jeff Cunningham is doing all right in Dallas. He has 9 goals this season 1 more then our beloved DeRo. Still don’t want him back but it should serve as a warning that we need to start getting balls thru to our strikers. Barrett and Gerba are more than capable of scoring but we need to give them the opportunity to make things happen. Well I’m heading out of the office now to watch the Real Madrid practice that I PVR’ed last night (I know that’s pathetic) then watch the game. I feel compelled to watch it the same way as I feel compelled to slow down on the highway when I see an accident.
Where's Harmse when you need him? He'd be sure to do something crazy and try to break Kaka's ankle or something.